The Bustache

Wednesday Wish List – Mustache Mirror

Wednesday Wish List – Mustache Mirror


I had to feature this next product because 2 different people mentioned it to me within the last week.  Apparently, they both saw it in our favorite, “Stuff you REALLY don’t need, but seem like a necessity when your 30,000 feet up in the air” catalog, SkyMall! (Honestly, I cannot imagine why anything mustache related would ever NOT seem like a necessity…)

Maybe you’re feeling left out because you are follicallychallenged in the facial-hair arena.  Or maybe you’d just like to “take a test drive” before you commit.

Either way, this Mustache Mirror is perfect for you!

Warning: Objects may appear more awesome than they are.

Get your own here!

And while I would never want to cheat SkyMall out of your money, may I suggest a home-made version you can do yourself?

What's cookin', good lookin'?

Can’t remember why we’re doing Wishlist Wednesdays?  Click here.

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